PP AutoBeam.

Latest Version is 1.1 PP AutoBeam is a small utility for use with PlanePlotters beamfinder feature.
PP AutoBeam will select an aircraft from the aircraft list that has no positional information and providing a radar.txt file exists will try and locate the aircrafts location.

If you don’t have internet access or are in an area with few Ground stations PP AutoBeam may help you to produce plots for aircraft with No positional information.
Various options allow you to:-
Set minimum altitude for the aircraft.
Set minimum signal for the aircraft.
Select to only beamfind aircraft marked as interested in your sqb database.
Log option to log successful plots.

You do require your own ADSB receiver i.e Dongle, SBS etc etc.
If you are a Sector Master User (SMU) you should NOT be using PP AutoBeam as this will affect SMU duties.
If want to do Manual Mlats then stop PP AutoBeam running first otherwise PP AutoBeam will change the selected aircraft and continue its process.
Below image shows PP AutoBeam with PlanePlotter, After approx 10 mins running time.
White triangles are recent plots, Orange are timed out plots.

Responsive image

Download PP AutoBeam Here